Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Boredom Buster!- Sidewalk Chalk City

Our on-the-go challenge continues....

This activity was more a product of necessity than anything else. I'll be honest (and a little whiny). I miss my backyard! That wonderful fenced in space where my kids can play, explore, get dirty, & run from me but never really get away.......

But enough with the whiny stuff. Today Dude & Spudder were still enjoying their outdoor play time right outside our door. The problem I was having, however, was keeping both boys in the same area. I'm sure most parents with multiple small children are familiar with this dilemma, when one goes one way and one goes another. Spudder was just...well wondering around, being one, and generally looking for trouble. Dude was driving cars, flying planes, and having a tough time remembering the imaginary boundaries I'd given him. It was then that brilliance struck. Ok, not brilliance, but definitely a good idea!

We created our own sidewalk chalk city.

Some roads, some familiar buildings, some trees, and some other essential toddler doodles, nothing too fancy needed here!

This kept Dude entertained until dinnertime :)

This activity would be especially great to keep in mind for any time you're away from home. You don't need many materials to do it, it leads to independent play, and you can do it anywhere there's concrete! So if you're ever visiting someone who doesn't have the most child friendly house, this might be a perfect activity to help keep your little one entertained.

Note from the trenches: If your 1 year old seems to be acting particularly good, it may be because he's actually feeding sidewalk chalk into the hole in a manhole cover. I guess we'll file that under fine motor skills practice?

I'm sharing this post over at:

Photobucket   &   It's Playtime at hands on : as we grow


  1. :) how much chalk did the manhole eat?

  2. 6 or 7 pieces maybe, enough to where I probably should've noticed sooner! =) But he was being so good I just didn't pick up on the disappearing chalk! LOL

  3. That city is quite impressive! My son would fall in love with this! Be outside, drive your cars... what's better than that? -- it can be erased!! :) Great!


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