Sunday, August 28, 2011

What’s on the Tot Trays? Post 11

Here are the tot trays that have been out lately.

Color Sorting cards from Homeschool Creations

I’d intended these more for Spudder, but Dude actually completed this activity more than once.

(no photos) When presenting this to Spudder I only had out yellow & blue. My 18 month old certainly doesn't know his colors, but I just used this as another opportunity to expose him to those color words. 

The next tray was this little stacker that I’d picked up at Dollar Tree in the spring. Spudder rocked this thing!  He didn’t always have the pieces set down into one another, but he consistently put the pieces in the right order.

For this tray I set out a random collection of objects for Dude to trace around. He liked this a lot and did it several times.


Toothpicks and a Parmesan Cheese Type Shaker


I knew Dude would be interested in this tray too, so to add a fun twist for him I also put some pipe cleaners that I’d twirled around my finger on the tray. I didn't give him any instructions on how to get them into the container, but he eventually figured out how to straighten them out and push them in there. He could have also screwed them in and it probably would have also been easier for him if I’d cut them in half, so that they weren’t longer than the container.


Upper to Lower case ABC matching puzzles. These are from a set of Early Learning Flashcard Puzzles we have.


On the final tray I put out the materials for Dude to make a star collage. The stars were the result of the star cutting strips from a previous tray and I just gave him paper and glue to make it into another project.

And a few other educational(ish) things that have been done lately:


Building with Guidecraft Interlox


Spelling words with Boggle Junior


Spudder educating Mama on how dangerous it is to leave out the same Tot Trays for too long...


Working on fine motor skills with Connect 4
My boys continue to fight over this almost every time we pull it out.


Stabbing playdoh with a fork
(Yes, sometimes I get a little desperate!)

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  1. Love the fork and playdo!!=) Looks like a fun week!

  2. Thanks Julie for stopping by, yeah the casserole dish was an after thought after I noticed it was starting to drip through! lol

  3. I really like the tracing idea. Looks like a fun week =) Stopping by from Tot School.

  4. I like the tracing idea too! Your little guys are cute and they look as busy as my two-- lots of fun, though.


Thanks for your comments!