Saturday, June 4, 2011

Photo Scavenger Hunt- Rainbow Style!

Yesterday we went on a scavenger hunt, but not just any old scavenger hunt. To make this more fun I handed over my camera and told Dude to "Find me a rainbow!"
(insert enormous toddler smile here)

Here's a cropped version of what he found:

To say my son loved this activity is an understatement! I don't think I know a child who isn't always eager to get at Mama's camera, and my guy's no different.

He actually took this job quite seriously, but still had SO much fun running around spotting things!

Here are his original photos:

He had a blast doing this and I love being able to go back and see things from his perspective. 

It was so funny to also find close up pictures of his face, toes, and of course he also snapped a nice SUPER duper close-up of the bird poop on the fire hydrant :)

You can find more of our Boredom Busting ideas by clicking HERE and scrolling down.

And if you like what you see, don't forget to follow or subscribe so you don't miss out on any of the FUN! It's going to be a great summer!

I'm sharing this post over at:
Classified: MomPhotobucket I Can Teach My Child


  1. so FUN! My girls love my camera and are always taking the funniest pics - this would be such a fun activity for them! Thanks so much for sharing your idea and the Sunday Showvase - this is something we will definitely try!


  2. I am so afraid to let my kids use my camera- but am seriously considering buying them the tough kid one! I love photography and what a great post! Thanks for linking up with us at The Sunday Showcase!
    Classified: Mom

  3. Great idea! I love all things related to kids and photography- great post! Thanks for linking up to It's Playtime today!

  4. What a fun idea! Princess Pea is a bit rainbow obsessed and would love this! I'd be thrilled if you came over to link it up to Friday's Outdoor Play linky too!

  5. What a fun twist on the classic hunt! And his photos are amazing! They're abstract and clear, very lovely!

  6. My post is about letting your kids use the camera too. We had such a fun time. GREAT POST

  7. What a wonderful collection of photos. I love the one with the fire hydrant! My little man loves photography as well and it's nice to see the world from their eyes.

  8. great photos!

    I am a new email subscriber from Feed Me Friday Hop

    ~Mommy's Moments~ {{a review & giveaway blog}}

  9. What a great idea! My son loves to take pictures too, so he would love this activity. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Neat scavenger hunt! We are also big scavenger hunt fans here too.
    Thanks for sharing. Following your blog now and on Facebook. Are you on Twitter? Did not see your button.
    Have a great week!

  11. Ah I wanted to feature this as a favourite on It's Playtime but your photos are copy protected maybe? Shame! It's a lovely, very unique idea!

  12. Thanks for linking up to Outdoor Play! Hope we'll see you back again this week (tomorrow)!

  13. New follower here from Feed Me Friday hop. What a cute idea. You get to see what he sees at his level this way. I hope you will follow me back I can be found in facebook too and twitter @DeniseLillaRose If you like/follow me there I will do the same for you. When you stop by my blog, please check out my kind of fashion (hair jewelry).

  14. Just came across your blog, and those pictures look all too familiar to me. Tell me you're in the TLFs at Altus! We've 'lived' there a few times in the last few years. Anyways, I realize I could be wrong, but my email is Michelle0611 at Great blog! Thanks for sharing your ideas.


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