Friday, August 12, 2011

Space Themed Sensory & Pretend Play

After we completed our Making Moon Craters activity, I decided to keep rolling with the pretend play and turn it into more of a sensory experience. My son’s always been particular about tactile sensations, so I’m trying to provide him with frequent opportunities for sensory play.


It was nothing too fancy, but Dude played with it for quite awhile.

It basically consisted of:
A black piece of fabric
Rocks (asteroids)
Bouncy Balls (planets)
Some dollar store plastic and foam stars
Space TOOB (This has a great variety of figures, even a space monkey!)


I also put together a pretend Earth out of stuff we had on hand. The blue base is actually the boys old changing pad cover. (I liked the soft velvety texture of this.) I topped that with some green Easter grass and a plastic piece of “land” from another playset we have.


10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ….Blastoff!


There was lots of blasting off, flying around other planets, exploring the moon, making craters, and even fixing the Hubble telescope.


I just love watching little imaginations at work!

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Preschool Corner


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